
3 Fabulous Facebook Contest Examples to Copy for Conversions

April 30, 2015
Min Read

Is your company using Facebook contests to generate leads? It should. Our latest Form Conversion Report revealed that giveaways and sweepstakes get more submissions than any other type of form. The average contest form conversion rate is…Wait for it…Drum roll…Thirty five percent! That’s 24% more than lead gen forms and a kazillion more than the average contact form. (O.K. So contact forms do convert 1% of traffic. But still.)If you want a way to convert more than a third of traffic, contests are definitely the way to go. And Facebook is the place to do it. So for today’s post, we’ve rounded up three brilliant Facebook contest ideas you can use as inspiration. Let’s begin.

1. Hyatt’s Make Vegas Yours Contest Series


After partnering with MGM Resorts International in Las Vegas, Hyatt Gold Passport created a content hub to promote the relationship. They accompanied it with a series of social media contests to increase awareness. What we really love about the brand’s Facebook promotions are the custom hashtags (#MakeVegasYours and #MVYEntry). The entire campaign was geared toward new memberships for both brands involved, making it a great example of how you can use contests to encourage signups.

2. Publix Paws Photo Contest


Kittens, cuddles, and adorable dogs. These are the things cameras are made for. So it makes sense that a pet-focused club would sponsor a photo contest. Publix appealed to proud pet owners by offering an opportunity to showcase their four-legged companions on social media—plus a chance to earn free groceries as well as donations to a charity for guide dogs. This is a perfect example of a Facebook contest complementing the brand’s Paws Pet Club. Talk about a creative way to attract more signups!

3. Amazon’s Fill-in-the-Blank Contest


What’s under 60 words, gets more than 12,000 comments, and is shared hundreds of times? A fill-in-the-blank sweepstake offering a chance to win…a pizza oven. Not a car. Not a kitchen. Just a $200 pizza oven. Amazon’s Facebook contest is proof that you don’t always need a blowout incentive to attract attention. In fact, expensive prizes can sometimes work against you. Many people are less likely to enter a contest when the chances of winning seem slim, which means you’d lose out on potential leads. Take a cue from Amazon (and past research) to offer a series of smaller-value prizes for multiple winners. These three inspiring examples offer some great ideas you can use to create your own high-converting Facebook contests. But is there a way to make them even better? Yes!

How to Turn Your Facebook Contest into a Powerful Lead-Generating Tool

When creating your next Facebook campaign, follow our four-step approach for a contest that captures a whole lot of conversions:

  1. First, create a form for your contest that will allow you to easily capture customer data and turn likes into leads.
  2. Next, embed the form in a tab on your business page so your users won’t have to leave Facebook to fill it out.
  3. And finally, redirect users to a custom thank-you page after each form submission so you can start nurturing leads right away.

Looking for more Facebook contest tips? Download the Form Conversion Report for even more inspiration. You’ll learn the peak times for promoting forms, what you can expect for your industry, and much more.


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